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Strategy 1: Ship with dry equipment
For every 8.2 loads, there’s only 1 refrigerated trailer available.*
The crunch on refrigerated capacity is already at a ratio of approximately 8:1 and it’s predicted to keep climbing throughout 2018. We’re here to show you how to solve your capacity concerns and save money by using dry equipment. By taking advantage of dry equipment on land, air or water, you’ll send on-time shipments while achieving unprecedented cost savings.**
Don’t worry –we’re not suggesting you play a gambling game with your temp-sensitive cargo! There are two ways to ensure thermal protection: one is active climate control and refrigeration (reefers) and another is pairing dry equipment with thermal covers to protect your freight (passive protection).
Strategy 2: Use passive temperature protection for FTL
Passive temperature protection uses thermal-dynamics to engineer advanced insulation material for shipping containers, pallets, drums, and more. It captures the existing environment of the freight and maintains that temperature range throughout the delivery process.
CargoQuilt® is an example of a product using passive temperature protection. QProducts & Services engineered CargoQuilt® to fit snugly over loaded cargo and maintain hot or cold temperature up to 30 days.
Use of solutions like CargoQuilt can not only protect temperature and decrease cost, but they can also increase capacity. The CargoQuilt increases freight capacity at a ratio of 1:5 (refrigerated vs. dry equipment capacity ratio).
Strategy 3: Utilize monitoring tools to forecast temperature risk
If your supply chain hits a bump in the road (literally), flexibility is crucial for your load’s survival. Technologies such as Riskpulse that can quantify risk and, if necessary, allow you to respond to that risk in time. Riskpulse provides unsurpassed accuracy making important decisions like timing shipments, choosing insulation, loading cargo and more. It also provides route-based forecasts up to 10 days in advance so you can make those decisions with confidence.
*Based on DAT data from date of post, April 24.
**Cost savings based on proprietary customer data