Join us for “Innovation and Sustainability in Thermal Covers” addressing the pressing issue of single-use thermal packaging across Europe.
Lasting change is a collective effort. QProducts invites you to collaborate with us and other pharmaceutical professionals to help bring sustainable logistics to Europe. As the USA leader in reusable pallet covers, we understand the challenges of introducing reusable solutions into a traditionally single-use dominated industry. With our recent entrance into the European market, we believe that, together, we can pave the way for a greener future in pharmaceutical logistics across Europe.
TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED AIRCRAFT SHIPPING: A discussion with Carlos Morales (Eli Lilly), Interviewed by Frank Van Gelder (Pharma.Aero)
THE NEW LIFE SCIENCE HORIZON (Frank Van Gelder, Pharma.Aero)
SUSTAINABILITY & INNOVATION IN PHARMA LOGISTICS (Gilles De Sutter, Pfizer, Andy Faes, Expeditors, Frank Van Gelder Pharma.Aero)